Weeknd movement

During my exchange semester in Salzburg, I decided to study a course called Graphic Design Project. The course were based on Graphic Design and we were tasked to create and visualize an idea of a protest movement.

Brand design
Graphic design

The challenge

Create an idea/concept for a protest movement and an appropriate slogan. Then design the appearance of the movement to visualize how the protest would have been done.

The result

Weeknd is a movement with the intention of extending the weekends. Extending the weekends will increase the time for people to experience happiness. For personal experience, I think the normal weekend from Friday afternoon until Monday morning is too short. Therefor I created a movement to change this.

Since my purpose of the movement was to extend weekends, the N felt most natural to expand. When you now read it, it will sound weeknnd, which connects to my purpose. I also noticed that the word “weekend” didn’t need the last e, Therefor I removed it.

Logo characteristics: When it comes to the fonts. I quickly preferred a more playful font because it more suited the overall brand. The colours that were chosen reminds me of a typical holiday. The blue from the sky or water and the orange from the sun or maybe a cocktail.

Logo explanation: The logo consists of two interest parts, the orange arc, and the long N. The purpose of the arc was to add a different colour than just blue, but it also represents a smiley which suits the brand really well. The long N can be seen as an overturned time glass, but also as an infinity symbol which both gives impression of expanding. These small details for me bring more value to the brand.


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